Who does Sonas serve?

Individuals and families like you who are ready to take action, get organized, and create a plan.


Does this sound like you?

  • You are planning for your retirement or are already retired. You have a host of decisions that need to be made. Retirement isn’t an age and doesn’t have to do with your workload. Instead, retirement is a state of being financially independent and free to do whatever YOU want to do.

    We help you achieve a successful retirement via developing detailed wealth projections and spending plans, designing practical distribution strategies, and ensuring your tax, estate, and insurance plans are fully coordinated and optimized.

  • You are a person in a unique position unto itself. You are a small to medium-size business owner. Your business and personal planning are integrated, whether you like it or not.

    Is your business doing enough to help you create more personal wealth? Are there synergies that may help? The path to success can be narrow and difficult to find, but sound financial planning for the business owner will help lead to growth and success over the long term.

  • You work for a public or private organization and have unique benefits and planning opportunities such as student loan management, asset protection, or even building or acquiring a practice.

  • Sometimes referred to as a HENRY (High Earner, Not Rich Yet); you need a financial partner to help determine the best use of your cash flow.

    Should you pay off debt, save for retirement, or buy a house?

    How do you do all of this and still enjoy your life now?

    Whether it’s time to buy a home, start a family, engage in a new career, or start a savings plan, we work with young professionals to develop their financial vision and make more informed choices for their futures.

  • (also known as Balancers)

    You’re in the middle of your life and loving it. Life is going 100 miles per hour and you are trying to keep the balance between work, friends, family, community, and everything else coming your way.

    You may have a lot of questions around saving for retirement, college planning, maximizing employer compensation plans, protecting what you’ve worked so hard to build, to name a few. We can provide experienced financial guidance to help you live your life on your terms, collaborating with your accountant, insurance agent, and other professionals every step of the way.

  • You recently underwent or are about to undergo a significant life change such as a professional transition, divorce, remarriage, or inheritance. You need help navigating next steps. We will be there to support you and help you come out on the other side with financial clarity and stability. Part of our work together is educating clients on the new areas within finance and investments particular to their new or expected situation.

  • You have experienced a windfall event. One of the biggest mistakes we see as financial advisors is how people mishandle sudden wealth. You need an experienced team to help guide you with your found wealth. We at Sonas FP provide the overall guidance necessary to help you bring clarity, understanding, and intention to your new reality.